ACCA Responds to Budget 2023
Feb 28, 2023 Featured
Edmonton, Alberta – The Alberta Continuing Care Association (ACCA) welcomes the Province of Alberta’s Budget 2023 announcement today that will see the investment of $1 billion over three years for continuing care transformation. This funding will support the shift of care to the community, enhance workforce capacity, increase choice and innovation, and improve the quality of care.
“On behalf of our members who represent continuing care operators across Alberta, we are pleased with the commitment to transform care,” says Wayne Morishita, Executive Director, ACCA. “We applaud investments that will bolster care choices, improve quality of life, and support Albertans’ ability to remain at home in their community longer.”
The province also announced $310 million over three years in capital funding to modernize continuing care facilities.
“Modern, upgraded continuing care infrastructure is necessary to meet growing demand, as is significant capital investment,” adds Morishita. “More than 50% of long term care homes in the province are over 50 years old and no longer meet design standards. The capital funding will help operators improve and modernize facilities across the province, which in turn will better meet the needs of current and future residents.”
Additionally, two new modernization projects in Calgary and Edmonton will allow operators to better serve the aging populations in these major cities. As part of the budget, $63 million is allocated to support the Good Samaritan Society project in Edmonton and $57.1 million to support the Bethany Care continuing care modernization project in Calgary.
Budget 2023 also includes funding to help address healthcare and workforce issues, $158 million dedicated to supporting and growing the healthcare workforce through the health workforce strategy, and nearly $4.3 billion in combined operating support for community care, continuing care and home care programs.
“Workforce management is one of the most significant challenges for continuing care operators in Alberta. Investing in workforce growth, as well as funding operators who deliver care across the continuing care spectrum will help to ensure the best quality of life and care for Albertans,” says Morishita.
For more information, please contact:
Wayne Morishita, Executive Director | | 780-435-0699